FOB CEARÁ holds training on autonomous organization

FOB CEARÁ holds training on autonomous organization

On May 18, 2024, the militants of FOB CEARÁ, together with partners in the struggle, held the course “Autonomous Organization”. The activity lasted 4 hours and covered fundamental issues for strengthening grassroots work in communities, workplaces and places of study.

The course was translated and adapted from the original by the Unity & Struggle Collective in New York, USA. The references for this training are the trainings of the IWW, a century-old international union; the radical tradition of black struggle and a long journey of action and reflection by workers.

The course covers 4 main themes:

  • Definition of Autonomous Organization
  • Planning in Struggle
  • Talking and organizing
  • The day-to-day running of an organization

The activity was attended by activists from the Terra Liberta Popular Organization, the Classist and Combative Student Network of Ceará (RECC-CE) and the education workers’ section of FOB CEARÁ.

It was an important moment to deepen the construction of a method that can help trigger organization in difficult contexts. The activity highlighted the importance of every activist seeking to improve themselves so that, as well as strengthening the struggles they are involved in, they can train other activists in a multiplier effect.

The moment was also important for the integration of militants, especially those who are just starting out in the activities of the local federation.

Finally, we would like to thank the Novo Maracanaú Residents’ Association, which provided space for the activity in solidarity. It is also important to thank the Unity & Struggle Collective, which provided the necessary materials for this activity to take place. May this course be increasingly improved and expanded throughout the national federation.

Formacao 18m Fob Ceara

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