Popular rebellion in Bangladesh rises up and overthrows the government.

Popular rebellion in Bangladesh rises up and overthrows the government.

After 15 years of authoritarian rule, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has been ousted by popular pressure. Since the second half of July 2024, people have been rioting in the streets. The start of the protests, with a strong student presence, was motivated by the 30% quotas in public jobs for a small caste of ex-combatants from the war of independence against Pakistan. Only ex-combatants who were close to the ruling party had this right. Added to the unemployment and lack of conditions for a decent life, this was the spark the people needed to overthrow this authoritarian government.

FOB salutes all the fighters who took to the streets to confront the power of the state with sticks and stones. They turned the mourning for the more than 300 workers murdered by the Bangladeshi government in this popular rebellion into struggle.

We cannot predict the end of a historic moment like this, which is often taken advantage of by opportunists or imperialist countries, but we know that the revolt of every Bangladeshi worker is immensely just. May solidarity among workers succeed in building a new world on the rubble of this old elite: their portraits, statues and perks all down!

Long live the working class of Bangladesh!

FOB – International Note – August 7, 2024

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